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How to Remember Your Dreams

Dreams are a useful way to get answers and insights from your higher self along with getting glimpses of the future. But did you ever wonder why some people remember their dreams every night getting all kinds of information from their higher self while others barely ever remember a dream?

To remember our dreams, we need healthy brain cells and good circulation. It used to be much easier for me when I was young. Now, I have to work at it.

The following suggestions have helped me get back to remembering more dreams but none of  these methods are continually reliable. You gotta keep changing it up.

15  Suggestions for Remembering More Dreams

  • Intention – As for any upcoming activity, expressing your intention brings easier success. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself silently or aloud (with confidence), I will remember the dreams I have tonight.
  • Keep a dream journal and pen nearby so that you can reach them easily when you wake up. If you write down your dreams regularly, your higher self knows you want to know, are willing to listen and is more likely to provide information.
  • Get enough physical exercise, sunshine and fresh air each day.

  • When you first wake up, stay or return to the exact same position where you had been sleeping. Getting back into that comfortable sleep position helps you return to the dream.
  • As you are gettng ready to fall asleep, hold the bottom half of your arm in a raised position vertical to your sleep position. When you start to sleep, your arm will fall down and that may wake you up after you just started lightly entering a dream state.
  • Set an alarm clock for 4 hours after you generally fall asleep. This may catch you during a dream period. Since everyone has their own unique dream cycles, you may need to tweak that amount to determine when you tend to dream.
  • Binaural beats – There are some phone apps where you can listen to binaural beats for about 15 minutes before sleep. I have noticed some improvement from doing this.


  • Do not take Benadryl or a Benadryl substitute.
  • B-12 (methylcobalamin). I have noticed improvement using this especially if you take the liquid form mixed with other B vitamins such as B6.


  • Sleep enough hours. The first 4 hours of sleep are the deepest and contain less dreaming. It takes me at least 8 hours of sleep in order to remember my dreams.
  • Sleep with your head to the north which is the more populated center of the universe (This position is promoted by yogis and Seth as channeled by Jane Roberts). The second best position is head to the south.
  • Be playful – Don’t take it too seriously or try to hard. Dreams are fun, not work.
  • Melatonin – I would give this mixed reviews. Some say it helps with dreams, some say it represses dreams.
  • DMAE – I’ve seen recommendations for this, but for myself I’ve seen only limited improvement.


Lucid Dreams

Some say that the few minutes as we are falling asleep and the few minutes as we begin to wake are like surfing on the edge of consciousness where our dreams can be lucid meaning that we have some semi-conscious awareness while in the dream. See further information on lucid dreaming at this location:
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