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How to Remember Your Dreams

Dreams are a useful way to get answers and insights from your higher self along with getting glimpses of the future. But did you ever wonder why some people remember their dreams every night getting all kinds of information from their higher self while others barely ever remember a dream?

To remember our dreams, we need healthy brain cells and good circulation. It used to be much easier for me when I was young. Now, I have to work at it.

The following suggestions have helped me get back to remembering more dreams but none of  these methods are continually reliable. You gotta keep changing it up.

15  Suggestions for Remembering More Dreams

  • Intention – As for any upcoming activity, expressing your intention brings easier success. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself silently or aloud (with confidence), I will remember the dreams I have tonight.
  • Keep a dream journal and pen nearby so that you can reach them easily when you wake up. If you write down your dreams regularly, your higher self knows you want to know, are willing to listen and is more likely to provide information.
  • Get enough physical exercise, sunshine and fresh air each day.

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