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Dating – Getting information from Dreams

Fun Dreams about Future Dating

I think a lot of us would like advanced warning about future dating. Some of the most fun I’ve had from dream dating is when the dreams reveal new men I will be dating, before I’ve met them in real life.

Here are five interesting examples:

1. I had a dream I was dating a man whose name was Shaun. He had short light hair and a job in the entertainment industry. Somehow, I poked my neck and had a thread going inside it which caught the back of my throat with a hook that hurt.

The reality =  Ten months after having that dream, I met and dated a man with that name and description. He was a musician that put on puppet shows as a side job. An interesting mix up in that dream was that I was the puppet with a string that went down my throat.

2. I had a dream where I was dating someone named John. The dream had something to do with fruit salad and wanting to get back together with him. Since I had previously had a relationship with someone with that name, in the dream I thought it was that previous John. I hadn’t met the new John yet and so I wasn’t able to associate that name with anyone else. When I woke up, I was disturbed about the dream. It seemed impossible because I knew I didn’t want to get back with the previous John and I didn’t particularly like fruit salads.

The reality = Seven months after having that dream, I met someone new with that name. We dated about 8 times and then the relationship faded out. I wished more had developed. On what turned out to be our last date, I went over to his house where we watched a movie, played tennis, and he made us a fruit salad.

dream-men-standing3. I had a dream that I was in a bookstore talking with a thin man with dark hair who I didn’t know from my waking life. He handed me a big red richly bound book. He  said he was a vegetarian. I had a second dream about him, where he was watching small kids in a pool. A woman with red hair was arguing with him.

The reality = I had such a clear vision of his face that I searched the dating sites to find him. I found someone who looked like him. So I wrote to him. He lived two hours away. We felt a strong connection and so we decided to meet. At that time, he worked in a bookstore and was a vegetarian. He had small children and an ex with red hair.

4. I had a dream that I was in a relationship with a tall blonde man. We talked about our birthdays being close together and I felt hesitation about whether we should buy each other gifts. He tried to call my father but my father wouldn’t speak to him. We went to a place where there was a wooden dam and we carved our names on it. In a subsequent dream, a woman spoke to us through a car window saying there would be a delay.

The reality = A few days after this dream, I met and dated a man with this description. Our birthdays were 16 days apart. He told me about a prior life where he was shot in the head by the father of a woman he was dating which could likely leave a concern about getting approval from a date’s father. On our fifth date, we planned a trip to a popular park on a holiday weekend. I was concerned about not being able to get into the park because of the dream, so we decided to go earlier. We didn’t experience a parking problem that day but on the way out, which would have been our original planned time to begin the visit, we saw a long line of cars waiting to get in. The park officer at the gate was a woman. We would have experienced a delay if we had gone at the original planned time.

5. I had a dream that I was dating a tall man with dark hair. In the dream there was something about soap and food. I thought I might have someone interested in dating his roommate but there was some reason why that wouldn’t work, like perhaps the roommate was interested in someone else.

The reality = Six months after this dream, I dated a man with that description. When I went to his house on our second date, he had pigs in his yard and requested that I feed them strawberries. But I felt that was too gross and I didn’t want to get my hands dirty. His female roommate was a lesbian so clearly the roommate wouldn’t be interested in being fixed up for a date in the way I expected.


Although our dreams foretell our future, they don’t necessarily lead us to a designated future. Free will is always available. A dream of someone means they ‘could’ play a significant role in your future but that future is not a given path to happiness. Consequently, each partner in a relationship needs to do the real work necessary to create a good relationship.


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