Date: 12/16/15
Monitor: Leonard Hough
Location: Austin Philosophy Meetup
Target Description: Pee Wee Herman doll wearing a gray suit and a bow tie. There is a string you can pull for the doll to talk to you.
This was a tightly controlled remote viewing exercise. The target, PeeWee Herman doll, was selected by Leonard’s wife. She described the object (from their home) on a piece of paper and put that in an envelope and mailed it to one of the other members of the Philosophy meetup. Will did not open the envelope until after all the results were provided by the viewers. This scenario was created so that no one in the meetup room would know what the target was and telepathy between the meetup participants would be prevented.
In the first phase of the remote viewing session, I drew a toy train which PeeWee does have on the old TV show and there was also a scene with a train in the movie PeeWee’s Great Adventure.
Doll object
In the picture below, you see that I drew something that could look like a doll without the head. There was a point during the drawing when I felt like putting a circle on top of the object, but I held back because I didn’t think that the target was a person. I thought the object was metal and knew it made a noise. The triangular shape could be legs and the horizontal line the arms, and the cord hanging down with the rectangle on it could be the cord to make the doll talk.
Oddly, I did think about buying someone a bowtie for Christmas when I woke up the morning before the meeting, but then I thought how strange that I would think that because that person had never worn a bowtie or mentioned a bowtie. I didn’t realize until later that the bowtie thought came from the RV target.
Diana Ross & The Supremes – The Happening
One day you’re up, then you turn around
You find your world is tumbling down
It happened to me and it can happen to you
Well, there was a ‘Happening’, if you recall, in a movie theater where Paul Rubens got arrested and experienced a major career setback.
I thought of the movie Anna Karenina and it turned out that Will (who was holding the sealed envelope for about 3 weeks before the target reveal date) had watched “Anna Karenina” the week before we had the meeting. There is a train scene in Anna Karenina as well as in the “Pee Wee Herman Big Adventure” movie.
The first word I got was ‘nose’ (Pee Wee used to put scotch tape across his face to turn his nose into a pig snout in his morning routine). See
I also had the words Harry Potter, (see Picture 1 above) which are the initials of Pee Wee Herman reversed. Harry Potter is a character in a movie as is Pee Wee Herman.
This was a difficult target. Perhaps because the target consists of Paul Rubens, who plays a character named PeeWee Herman that someone else made a doll out of. The derivative nature of the doll being separated from a real person causes a difficulty in viewing information. A direct target is easier.
It was only after I found out what the target was that I realized that a lot of the words I got had to do with people. Next time, I hope I recognize that trend and consider that the target could be a person.
Thanks for the great article