Viewing Date: – May 4, 2015
Monitor: Edward Riordan
Location: INACS Austin
This crop circle target is part of a collection of Remote Viewing targets I worked on. It shows what the actual Target was as well as the results achieved. If you need to know more about what Remote Viewing is, see:
Target Description: This remote viewing target was the SETI response crop circle which was reported in a wheat crop in Chilbolton, England on August 19, 2001. This crop formation, composed of two rectangular shapes, one of the few that are not circular, looked like it could be a response to the Sagan – Drake message which was transmitted into space from the Arecibo radiotelescope in 1974. The code content in the larger rectangle included information indicating a species that came from a different solar system while the smaller rectangle is an image of a non-human face. This RV assignment however, was not just to identify the crop circle itself, but it included a question, “What is really going on with this crop circle; is this a hoax or is this a legitimate contact?”
So how interesting is the target
We are each drawn to subject matter we are interested in, so the more interesting the target is to a viewer, the better results that viewer will achieve. In a room with multiple viewers, those viewers that have the greatest interest in that genre of subject matter are likely to produce better session results. Of course, the viewer does not have any upfront information about the target, so the viewer has no conscious knowledge that a particular target ID is interesting until the session is underway.
When I started work on this particular target, I noticed that each time I tried to connect to the signal, that I would get blobs of information that seemed completely unrelated to each other. I was barraged with the most voluminous data that I ever had on a target and yes, I have been interested in crop circles for years. Initially, I could not see how these blobs of data related to a single target, but considering that the target had a complex question associated with the target, that ultimately explains, as you can see below, why so many different blobs of data came forth.
Most accurate picture drawn from these sessions
Some of the more successful drawings I have achieved during a session are when I can get in a state of mind where I let my hand draw something without conciously thinking about what I was drawing. What I drew below can be interpreted now as a flying ship, but when I first drew it, I thought it might be a metal bracelet but then started to feel that it was flying. When I drew the three shapes in between the ship and the ground, I thought that they were something like a musical G clef but I had an inner knowing that the actual shapes were more complicated than a G clef.
There were two objects in the target, and as you can see, there are also two objects in the drawing above. The pumpkin face in the bottom right is most likely the crop formation that included the ‘alien’ face.
Who made the crop circles?
Continue reading Remote Viewing Target: 2001 Crop Circle SETI Response