Sometimes the advice is spoken to you by people who are unknown to you. You may over time recognize the same wise people appearing in your dreams. If these people talk to you through a car window, building window or on a telephone, that is usually a sign that they’re communicating to you from another dimension.
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Tag: consciousness
Remote Viewing – An Introduction
Introduction to Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing is a good way to exercise your psychic abilities and see true magic appear before you. With Remote Viewing, you use your consciousness to view a distant location that you cannot view with your physical eyes. Remote Viewing got its name from a government project in the 1960’s that trained people to remotely view strategic political targets. The ability to view distant objects that you can’t see with your physical eyes has traditionally been an ability in the psychic category known as clairvoyance.
Anyone can do it
One of the distinctive features of the government program is that it included a specific step by step training process. Proponents of the program believed that anyone could be trained with this skill of remote viewing.
The Process
The remote viewer receives a target ID. It is critical to the process that no other information is provided about the target, other than the non descriptive Target ID. The target can be any person, place or thing. The wide-open nature of a target makes it easier for the viewer to accept any information coming through without bias. For example, if the viewer is told that a target is a National Park in North America, the brain starts to guess what the target could be using rational thinking. Instead, the viewer needs to connect to the essence of information without using their brain to filter incoming information about whether the information is logical.
When the viewer is ready to begin, he writes down, on paper or white board, whatever glimpses or thoughts come into his head about the target.
The viewer attempts to draw a picture of the target as well as to list all descriptive words about the target. Success is generally better when the viewer avoids guessing what the target is but instead concentrates on describing what the target is like. Descriptions include; size, shape, color, temperature and texture. Additionally, the viewer considers feelings that the target generates such as apprehension, fear, happiness or disgust.