Some people recommend crystals (especially quartz) as the best object to attach to the bottom of the string, or metal chain. But you can use any object, for example a ring attached to a necklace chain.
How Does it Work
Are you curious as to who or what is giving the answers? You are probably familiar with the terms conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is what we use everday when we thnk with our minds. The subconscious on the other hand works more on automatic pilot. It works to keep our heart beating, our lungs breathing and also works to keep us safe. However, the subconscious doesn’t always act in our best interest because it wants to keep us safe to prevent negative events in our past to occur again. This can keeps us away from challenges we need and want to work through.
The notion of a higher consciousness is connected to what religious practitioners might call our soul or our spirit. It is the belief that there is something greater than our conscious and subconscious minds. Something that exists after death. When people have out of body experiences, it is this higher consciousness that floats outside the physical body. Many believe that this higher consciousness knows the greater truths to our lives and maybe knows other data about our universe. So if we have a question about something going on in our physical life, we may gain knowledge from our higher self that we are unable to figure out with either our conscious or subconscious minds.
Steps in Usage
If you are trying a pendulum for the first time, ask it how it will tell you yes, and then ask how it will tell you no. Do that by saying out loud, tell me ‘Yes’. If it moves back and forth like a nod, that will confirm how it will show you a yes answer. Then say, tell me ‘No’. If it moves right and left, that generally is what it will show you for no. If you see something different, go with what you see because not every pendulum will behave the same way. Now make sure you are communicating with your higher consciousness and not your subconscious. Ask, am I connected now to my higher consciousness and wait to see how the pendulum moves.
Now that you are familiar with your particular pendulum, ask a different question of your choice while holding the pendulum securely without moving your hand. It is recommended to face the north when you do this and you may find it helpful to close your eyes. As you hold the pendulum, you should keep your upper arm from your shoulder to your elbow pressed against the side of your body to keep your arm as steady as possible. Your arm can be at an angle and does not have to be parallel to the floor. Take note of the way that the pendulum moves because that will be the answer to your question.
What if the Pendulum doesn’t move
If you don’t get an answer to your question, you may be blocking communication out of fear, worry or possibly you may need to rephrase the question. For example, since we have free will some questions cannot be answered by your higher consciousness since it wants you to make the decision yourself. It can be useful to phrase a question like this: If I go to this particular meetup on Tuesday night will I be glad that I did? Or, if I go out with X on Thursday, will we have a good time?
Keep the pendulum near you for a few days to develop the connection. The longer you work with a particular pendulum, the better it will respond to you. You may also try washing the object you are using as a pendulum periodically with salt water.
Seth recommends these uses for a pendulum
Seth as channeled by Jane Roberts in The Early Sessions Book 4 recommended the following uses of a pendulum.
- When you are considering clothes to purchase
- To decide what foods to eat
- Where to place furniture
- What times of the month are most suitable for you to undertake activities
- Whether to sign contracts or ask for revisions.
- Whether to take trips