We believe what we experience
We only really believe what happens to us individually so that is why I want to share my own story of precognitive dreams and how those dreams convinced me that we can see the future when we dream. When I was young, I remembered my dreams almost every night. Some were very interesting but some were just about things that happened during the day or boys that I liked. I would occasionally have distinct feelings of deja vu. I suspected that it was because I had experienced these events in a dream but it took me a while to prove that.
Dream Journals 
During my twenties I started keeping a dream journal which I still do today. Having a dream journal helps set the intention to remember your dreams and also you must write the dreams down as soon as possible before the memories of the dreams fade. I write all my dreams down even if they seem insignificant. One time before I left for a three day business trip, I decided to conduct a test. Before I fell asleep, I told myself, I want to dream tonight about what will happen on the trip so I can prove this one way or another. When I returned from the trip, I looked at the dream journal and found many details that were greater than coincidence. I was sold.
How can precognition work?
To me, when I have a dream of the future, it feels like I’ve floated into the future, saw something, put it in a dream and brought it back to my waking present. But maybe there is no such thing as past or future and once we are asleep we are no longer limited by our beliefs about reality, and so we just naturally see the past, present, or future as desired.
Another theory is that our memory holds everything that is going to happen to us in this lifetime as well as what we consciously remember as we go along. See “Future Memory” by P. M. H. Atwater.
Four precognitive dreams I’ve had, that convinced me that I saw into the future.
1. Dream of first born son – When I was pregnant with my son, I had a dream that someone handed me my baby wrapped in a pink blanket. It was one of those dreams that I could tell was a glimpse into the future. Usually, I know that when the events in the dream are brightly colored, yet realistic and even mundane. At the hospital tour, they had clearly said that they use pink blankets for girls and blue blankets for boys. I took this to mean that I was going to have a girl. As it turned out, the hospital that summer had a run of baby boys and ran out of blue blankets. When the nurse handed me my son, she said, “I am so sorry, we are completely out of blue blankets so I picked the lightest pink blanket I could find”. So the dream was accurate. It brings up the question, why would that part of the dream be what I was able to pull back from the future. Well, it was unusual that they were out of blue blankets, and the nurse was apologizing to me profusely. Somehow while floating around in the future, that instant of time had a curiosity about it that drew my attention, but also when you hold your baby for the first time that is the best part of childbirth.
2. Dream of daughter winning art contest (2/26/08) – What I remembered from this dream was that my daughter won money and I was handing a piece of paper to someone by reaching over a counter. In the dream, I said to my daughter, “we can use this money for college”. At the time I had the dream, I did not know that she had entered an art contest. Because I handed someone a piece of paper at a counter, I thought this money was from a winning lottery ticket. Consequently, I purchased some tickets that week but didn’t win anything. What really happened was that she entered an art contest in school and won first prize. The money was put into an IRA and so was only usable for college education. When we went to the award ceremony at the bank, there was a counter area where I had to sign permission forms allowing photos etc.
3. Selling of the rental house in Florida. I had the house on the market but things were slow and the first offer had fallen through. One night I had a dream that I had a contract in my hands from a buyer who it seemed was from Carolina but I wasn’t sure if it was North or South Carolina. A few weeks later, a contract came from a woman in Georgia whose first name was Carolina. That deal went through smoothly and the house sold.
4. Dreaming of future business trip – This was back in August 1986 so this dream is going to seem more random and confused than what happens later after more practice with precognitive dreaming but here goes. There were 5 parts in this single dream that I was able to connect with what really happened on the three day business trip.
- In the dream, I was at a bar and there was something about the ladies room having a mirror you could see in. What really happened was that there were mirrored letters on the ladies room door that read LADIES. Also that same night, I had a conversation with a man at the bar who talked about looking at himself in a mirror and being able to have a psychic experience by looking into his own eyes in the mirror.
- In the dream, a bartender handed money to a woman that she had left there on a previous night. The reality was that it was women’s night at that bar and so women could drink for free. When I started to hand money to the bartender, he waved it off and told me drinks were free.
- In the dream, there was a woman who had a big fight with her husband. He had found her cheating on him at 10:00 AM every morning. They had seen a psychiatrist who had indicated to her that she should go with her feelings. In reality, a man I had a conversation with on the trip told me that his wife came home late, even one time at 10:00 AM and so he realized she was cheating on him.
- In the dream, a woman had boots that hurt her feet and she couldn’t wear them for too long at a time. The actual situation was that the shoes I brought on the trip were not a good choice and they hurt my feet on the trip.
- In the dream, a guy in a bar who was from NJ but North of Paris in a place beginning with an S. had to have an operation. He said his wife was due to have a baby and was sitting at the bar farther down. In reality, a guy from north of Malibu told me he had had amnesia as a child when he hit his head. His friend at the bar was overweight.
Using our power
It is difficult to say whether dreaming of the future has actually provided me with any tangible benefit but it is fun and like any muscular power, the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets. Our subconscious mind has a lot of information available and if we mine that information, it will likely enrich our life experience. Start your own dream journal today and watch this site to find out more about my dreams.