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Cultivate Conversations with Dream Spirits

One type of dream, which is very magical, is when spirits or some unknown persons in the dream provide either useful personal advice or global information that you could use for a positive impact. Dream advice is free advice, so no payment is necessary to psychologists or life coaches. And who could know you and care for you more than your subconscious or higher self. You can inspire dreams like this by stating out loud a question you want answered before you fall asleep at night.

Sometimes the advice is spoken to you by people who are unknown to you. You may over time recognize the same wise people appearing in your dreams. If these people talk to you through a car window, building window or on a telephone, that is usually a sign that they’re communicating to you from another dimension.
Following are some examples of dreams I had that included interesting advice or information.

Examples of Dreams with Advice

1988 – Advice on where to Relocate

In 1988 while living in Boston but desiring to move, before I went to bed I expressed the desire for advice on where I should relocate. In a dream, a man who looked like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, with long wavy gray hair, wearing a white robe, said to me “You should move to Texas and be a leasing agent.” Although I was a controller at a Real Estate management company at the time, I was thinking that it would be more fun to be a leasing agent. I had never had a dream with such clear advice before. I really wanted to follow that advice and see what would happen. Why not take a chance…

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to move to Texas until 2011. It would have been helpful if Maharishi had named a specific city in Texas. It is a huge state and without more specifics, it was impossible to persuade my husband at the time to make the move. But I am in Texas now and I am enjoying life here and I’m open to what new adventures await me.

June 2008 – Global Warnings

In this dream, a slender man with light brown skin color was writing on a blackboard. He wrote the date February 2009. When I woke up, I thought the date was the 15th but I wasn’t sure on the number, althoughI was very sure of the month and year. He turned and said to me in an ominous tone, “This is going to be a very memorable date. No one will ever forget this date.” The date came and went and I didn’t hear of anything significant happening. But then, on April 20th, 2010 was the Deep Water Horizon oil spill. The Environmental Impact plan for drilling nearly 7 miles into the earth at that specific location for the Macondo well was filed with the US Dept of the Interior on 2/23/09 and amended on 2/25/09. So that would have been the date where there was no turning back and the disaster was unstoppable.

I lived in Florida at this time and so was very concerned about the health hazard and environment impact on both air and water. Anyone living along the Gulf at this time was very directly concerned and many are still concerned about eating seafood from the gulf or swimming in the gulf. I wished that I had gotten more specific information in the dream. I have learned since then, that when you receive ambiguous information in a dream or other psychic session, you need to respond with “Thank you, tell me more”. To do that within a dream, you have to be lucid enough to manage a controlled response. All of which takes practice.

Dec 2014 – Occupation Advice

A week after I was laid off from a position as Quality Assurance Manager, I had a dream where I was in my car. A lady, or spirit, stopped by and starting talking to me through the window. This spirit acted like she knew me but I didn’t feel like I knew her.  She had a lot to say but I wasn’t following it all. I stopped her and said, “I think you must be mistaking me for someone else”. She said, “No, I am talking to the right person”. I said,”If that is true, then tell me what I do for a living”. She said, “You’re a writer”.

June 2016 – Love Advice

In a dream, a woman told me that the man I was seeing was making out with a woman in the back seat of her car and that he couldn’t say no to her. Two months later he told me, “I like hanging out with you but I don’t think I want a heavy relationship right now”. Of course, the first words out of my mouth were, “Is there another woman?”

This relationship had challenges which I interpreted as learning opportunities and so I was content. I follow Abraham Hicks’ advice which basically says that you pick someone from a thousand people that have 80% of what you hope for and focus on what is good. To search dating sites in an attempt to find someone more compatible isn’t actually going to make for a better relationship especially if you aren’t up to speed. It takes two people who are aligned with Source to build a good relationship. Our dreams are our reminder to take a closer look at what is going on around us and identify when to move on.

Further Information

  • BP Exploration Plan – Macondo Well

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